Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 5 & 6

Yesterday just seemed to slip by me.  I was baking and cooking almost all day and then my Honey had to work so it was just me and the boys.

Day 5:  I am thankful that my Honey and I have trusted in God to provide for us.  He has not let us down AT ALL.  It is amazing what God can do if we let Him.  Even with Honey not having a full-time, good-paying job, we have managed to pay a substantial amount of money towards our credit card debt and make all payments on all bills with never being late on any payments.  THAT, my readers, is all the work of my Lord and Saviour.  There is no way we could have done that all on our own understanding or choices.  We let God speak to our hearts and we trusted in Him to provide for us; He has and will continue to.

Day 6:  I am thankful for my kitty, Sable.  He is a wonderful cat that isn't like a normal cat.  He loves to cuddle with me and purr in my ear.  That is one of my favorite sounds.  He is always with me or Honey.  He does not like to be alone.  He loves to play with our dogs and kids.  He just a wonderful addition to our family and I am thankful for him.

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