Tuesday, January 31, 2012

life is funny sometimes...and NOT the ha-ha kind

Life is hard.  Period.  It just is.

My life is hard right now.  I have so many things going on that were not part of my master plan.  Things that change everything.  Things that are permanent.

We prayed, we waited, we prayed, we waited, we prayed, we waited some more.  We prayed and waited for something that didn't happen.  God said "No".  I don't understand it.  I don't agree with it.  I want to question God.  I want to be mad.  I *am* mad.  We waited 6 months on an answer.  SIX MONTHS of putting our lives on hold.  Six months of having nothing.  All for nothing.  That is how it feels.

But that is my flesh speaking.  Those are feelings that come and go.  I know better.  I know the truth.  I know that God did indeed say no but that is because He knows something better is out there for us.  He knows that what we thought was good for us might just not be.  The truth is always there, never changing, always reliable.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

I keep telling myself this truth.  I know He knows what is best for me and my family.  We prayed that if what we wanted wasn't the best for us, close that door.  Permanently.  And God listened to that.  He did say "yes' to that one.  Is that what we wanted?  No.  Heck No.  We prayed that because it felt right.  It felt unselfish.  But it wasn't what I wanted.  I wanted the door open.

Here is where Faith comes in.  Do I turn my back now that God said No?  Do I now start to distrust God because He didn't give me what I wanted?  Do get mad and never speak to Him again?  Do I bury myself is pity?

No, No, No, NO!!

I trust in Him.  I trust that He is doing what is right.  Faith isn't something that you feel or do or say only when everything goes your way.  Faith is best displayed when life is hard, when everything is not going your way, when you want to give up but don't.  Faith is trusting in ALL situations, good and bad.

I feel like six months were wasted but I what I know is six months were spent building my faith.  Six months were spent learning how to BE a family.  Six months were spent learning each other and our children.  Six months were spent like never before and probably never again.

God may have said no to one thing, but He is saying YES on so much more!

"Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal"  2 Corinthians 4: 16-18

Saturday, January 14, 2012

WW Breakfast

I have been doing Weight Watchers for a bit over 6 months.  It has worked for me.  I love it.  It has taught me so much about food and my relationship with food.  I know that sounds crazy but it's true.

I never realized how much food I was actually eating or how unhealthy I was eating.  I was eating all the wrong foods, way too often. I still eat unhealthy food but just not as often or as much.

I wanted to post this very delicious, healthy breakfast I made this morning.  I really enjoyed it, my Honey really enjoyed it, and my boys ran away from it.  Oh well, I can't please everyone.

Look at how big this omelet is!!

This is only 2 egg whites
and 1 whole egg 

Here are the ingredients:
2 egg whites
1 whole egg
1/4 c. Bell Pepper
1/4 c. Onion
4 slices jalapeno's
1 mushroom, sliced
1 oz of cheddar cheese
Drizzle Olive Oil

Makes one big omelet, so one serving at 5 points.

Heat oven to about 275.  I put a tiny bit of olive oil in a pan and then sautéed veggies, minus the jalapeño, over med-low heat.  In a small bowl, while the veggies are getting soft, I combined my egg whites and one egg.  When my onions, peppers, and mushrooms reached the softness I like, I poured in my egg mix.  I let it set for about a minute and then put my 4 slices of jalapeños on top with the bits of cheese.  I then transferred my pan to the oven to let it continue to cook slowly. 

When the cheese melted and eggs cooked through, I took it out of the oven and took pictures.  I then got my coffee, sat down, watched Pioneer Woman on my cooking station, and devoured my food.  

*THIS* is a delicious, healthy breakfast.  According to my calculations, this is how I reached five yummy, delicious, easy points: egg whites 1 point; egg 2 points; veggies 0 points; cheese 1 point; olive oil 1 point

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fruits of my labor...I mean HERBS of my labor

Check out these BEEEEYUUUUUTEEFUL herbs.  Oh the smell, oh the taste!!





Sunday, January 8, 2012

Moulin Rouge Day

Every year Honey and I celebrate what we call "Moulin Rouge Day".  It is our special day.  Yesterday was our seventh Moulin Rouge Day!

We always cuddle up on the couch to watch the musical "Moulin Rouge" (with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor).  We try to do something a little exciting each year to keep it magical.  Last night, I decided that we should try to cook something yummy and new: Grilled Pear, Honey, and Brie Crostini.

It was good.  Honey liked it much more than I did.  I don't think I'm a fan of Brie, or Rosemary all that much.  I really loved the honey though.  Oh how I love honey, and my Hubby Honey too.  :)

The wine was good, the movie was good, the food was good, the cuddling was excellent, and the kisses were the best part.

I sure do love our Moulin Rouge Day!

Friday, January 6, 2012


I’ve sat here in bed, all morning, listening to my three boys laugh, cry, and play.  I am refueling my soul, my mind, my body, my heart.
I have a cold, or sinus infection, and it is draining.  I’m not sleeping well, I’m not breathing well, and as a result, I’m just cranky.
It is so nice to hear my sons laugh with their daddy.  To hear the sounds of race cars screeching across racetracks, clapping for a good jump, and kisses for all in celebration.  
I would love to be able to run in there and join in on all the fun but  I know, that in this particular moment, it is best for me to stay in bed and just listen.  They are creating memories with their daddy.  I am creating memories of my boys.
These beautiful sounds are warming my core.  I needed this.  We all need this from time to time; to be able to step back and fully realize the joys that are right in front of you that you might take for granted.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Yesterday, I decided that I was going to make Stuffed Mushrooms and Stuffed Peppers for dinner.  I was able to snap a picture of the Mushrooms but forgot to get one of the Peppers.  Boy were they good.

These were so delicious.  The Peppers were fabulous.  I stopped by the store on the way home to pick up fresh ingredients for this dish.  I also picked up some Spaten for my Honey and some Riesling for me.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Today I was awakened by the one of the most beautiful sounds in the world: my children laughing! I didn't even mind that it was still dark outside.

For breakfast, Honey made them Chocolate Chip Pancakes. They were super happy about that!!

I now sit here, at my favorite table, blogging about my wonderful morning. I have my coffee right next to me, I've put my memory in my jar, and am now enjoying the sounds of race cars in my son's room.

I am blessed, that's for sure!

**the mason jar in the picture is a jar that i put little notes in every day.  my notes are always positive memories from time spent with my family & friends or from special occasions so i can read them someday and remember the joys of days past.  it is a great way to record little treasures i never want to forget.  my kids are going to start doing this as well, only in the form of pictures because they don't know how to write yet**