Saturday, January 14, 2012

WW Breakfast

I have been doing Weight Watchers for a bit over 6 months.  It has worked for me.  I love it.  It has taught me so much about food and my relationship with food.  I know that sounds crazy but it's true.

I never realized how much food I was actually eating or how unhealthy I was eating.  I was eating all the wrong foods, way too often. I still eat unhealthy food but just not as often or as much.

I wanted to post this very delicious, healthy breakfast I made this morning.  I really enjoyed it, my Honey really enjoyed it, and my boys ran away from it.  Oh well, I can't please everyone.

Look at how big this omelet is!!

This is only 2 egg whites
and 1 whole egg 

Here are the ingredients:
2 egg whites
1 whole egg
1/4 c. Bell Pepper
1/4 c. Onion
4 slices jalapeno's
1 mushroom, sliced
1 oz of cheddar cheese
Drizzle Olive Oil

Makes one big omelet, so one serving at 5 points.

Heat oven to about 275.  I put a tiny bit of olive oil in a pan and then sautéed veggies, minus the jalapeño, over med-low heat.  In a small bowl, while the veggies are getting soft, I combined my egg whites and one egg.  When my onions, peppers, and mushrooms reached the softness I like, I poured in my egg mix.  I let it set for about a minute and then put my 4 slices of jalapeños on top with the bits of cheese.  I then transferred my pan to the oven to let it continue to cook slowly. 

When the cheese melted and eggs cooked through, I took it out of the oven and took pictures.  I then got my coffee, sat down, watched Pioneer Woman on my cooking station, and devoured my food.  

*THIS* is a delicious, healthy breakfast.  According to my calculations, this is how I reached five yummy, delicious, easy points: egg whites 1 point; egg 2 points; veggies 0 points; cheese 1 point; olive oil 1 point

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