Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear Lord,

Help me to see my children clearly today. If I need to set boundaries, please help me to set them with love and wisdom. If it is time to encourage my children to grow, give me the courage and wisdom to guide them with Your love. Thank you for my children's destiny. Thank you that You have a plan for my children. I trust in that today.


I saw this prayer this morning in my inbox and it really moved my heart. I tweaked it to fit my life personally so it isn't exactly how I read it the first time but I love this prayer. As a parent, sometimes I miss out on the happy times I could be enjoying trying to be the enforcer or disciplinarian. I don't always see what beautiful boys I have because I am concentrating on the bad behaviours instead of the good. I like this prayer so much because of that first line. Help me to see my children clearly. That is a powerful statement in my opinion.

I prayed this prayer for each child individually also. I wanted to share this with you and I hope that it moves your heart somehow just like it moved mine.

I also want to say that I believe we are all the best mother's we know how to be. We are doing a great job and have excellent children. Keep up the good work Mommies (and Daddy's).

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