Sunday, August 8, 2010

We didn't even last TWO DAYS!!!

So we didn't even last two days with those crappy pay-as-you-go phones. Not two days. Ha. I was so sad when I had an eye appointment and couldn't call Julian to let him know how I was doing. I was sad when we went to the Children's Museum and I couldn't call Julian to let him know I had his ticket to let him in. I realized how sad I was when I didn't have Tristan's laugh anymore on my phone.

All that combined, plus the fact that with two little ones I need to be able to call my hubby IF I needed.....or wanted, is what led us to say "forget it" with the plan of basic phones.

So I am glad we tried.

We failed.

We moved on and bought new phones.

End of story.

1 comment:

  1. At least you tried! I couldn't have done it either! I am making an effort not to look at my phone as much when I'm with my family!
