Friday, June 24, 2011

Renew, Manifest, Enhance, Release

My beautiful friend/cousin posted this question on her blog (thanks Mina) and I thought I would steal it. Hope you don't mind!

Ask yourself, what you want to renew, manifest, enhance, or release in or from your life.

I want to renew my faith. God is a living God who is always showing us His beauty and truth. We just have to open our eyes and heart to it. I fall into slumps and need help out of them. God is my help, my rock, my fortress.

I want to manifest my love for my family. I want people to see my family and see love. Lots and lots and lots of love.

I would love to enhance my marriage. Every marriage needs enhancement. Julian and I have come a long way in our almost 5 years together as husband and wife. I can't wait to keep on growing with him and our babies. We are in such a good place and I know that God has great things in store for us.

Release: I think we all want release of some sort. I want to release all the negative in my life. I know that won't happen though. God uses negative to help us grow. Without bad, how can we see His good? So here is what I really want to release; My own demons. My own lies. My own craziness. MY negative. I can work on that and God *will* help me along the way. He is a good God. A gracious God. A Forgiving God.

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