Wednesday, June 16, 2010

He Listens

One thing I know for sure is that it is naive for a Mother to think that her two children will be exactly alike. It's incorrect to think that your two children, made from the same two people (you and your husband) and grown in the same place, would be the same. This much I know is true. HA. I was SOOOOOOOO naive to think that my two boys would be the same. But I did. And then realized how incredibily wrong I was.

Let me start out by saying I should have known better when the pregnancies themselves were completely different. I should have known better, but I didn't. I still thought "piece of cake. this one will be easy shmeesy just like Tristan was". Little did I know. I look back and laugh at myself now. I laugh and laugh thinking about how I was hoping and thinking they would be the same. Tristan was just too easy. He really was. Aiden is just different. NOT worse just different.

It's hard to explain without sounding ugly or mean or favoring of one child. I love my boys. LOVE them dearly. I am just amazed every day how different they are. I won't lie though. Tristan is easy. He has his moments where I get annoyed and upset but overall he is a FANTASTIC child. He listens and is polite (most of the time) and learns easily and sleeps through the night (since he was six weeks old) and is just so easy. He is my "I don't have to worry about him because I know he will be okay and not drive me nuts on a daily basis and will help me with his brother" child. I can count on him. He always listened. Always. If I said "no" he wouldn't do whatever it was he was doing anymore.

Aiden is the exact opposite of that. He doesn't listen. He has a mind of his own and listens to the voices in his head only. He didn't sleep through the night until he was almost one. He makes me rock him to sleep or hold him till he almost falls asleep unlike his brother who only wanted to be put down in his crib and left alone. He is textbook child. He won't let me go anywhere without him. He is a picky eater. He is all that and more. I love him so very much. He is a FANTASTIC child also. His smile will melt your heart. It makes me feel good knowing that I am his best bud and he wants just me. Again, I won't lie. That gets annoying sometimes. I can't sit through church. I can't get a babysitter. He won't let Julian comfort him. But in the end, I love it. I really do. He is my "Oh boy, I better not take my eyes off him because he will run in the middle of the street or run off somewhere. He is going to drive me crazy on a daily basis with his NEVER letting me out of his sight" child. He never listens to me...or Julian. If I say "no" he looks at me and then does whatever it is he is doing anyway. He does. He looks RIGHT at me and then does it anyway. Ha. He has nerve, I give him that much.

I love them both. I love how different they are. I love that they give me the complete package. One is easy and one is not as easy. Both melt my heart on a daily basis. Both are the most handsome boys I have ever layed eyes on. Both are going to make some ladies VERY happy one day. Both make my life complete.

Today, though, something happened that I must write down in the books. Aiden actually listened to me. Yay. I had to sweep my oh-so-gross kitchen because I could feel the dirt stick to my bare feet as I made my children breakfast this morning. Yuck. I was debating whether to put Aiden in his bouncy thing to keep him in one place. I decided not too. Chuggington was on t.v. so I knew I had a little time. As I was sweeping Aiden wanted to come to where I was because he couldn't see me from where he was. I sternly said "no" and he actually listened to me. He stopped, he looked at me, he turned right back around and went to the living room. He did this about three times and each time he listened to me. This, my friends, is progress.

I am very excited about this. He normally won't listen and I end up having to pick him up and put him where I told him to go. But not today. Today he listened.

I love him. I love his progress. I love how I didn't think he would listen and yet he did. I love Tristan and how I knew he would be the one I didn't need to worry about. I love him too. I love how they both keep me on my toes and each day show me more and more of the men they are growing up to be.

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