Friday, June 11, 2010

Do you want to hear something CRAZY?? I have never seen any comments left on my blogs until just now. How crazy is that? I am happy to see that I had some. That made me feel special for some reason.

I finally know how to see them. I am sooooooooooooo slow when it comes to this stuff. Seriously slow.



  1. Yay! I'm glad you figured out how to read your comments!

  2. Jenny Jenny Jenny! I love you soooo dang much! My sister :)! I have only read your blog a few times, but I smile and my heart is warmed each time. Your last entry was so sweet. Other than sleeping and eating Julian is the same as Aiden. I love that I am that special person to him. I am his gal and he's my guy. That special bond is so very special I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!! I completely understand and can totally relate to how you are feeling. XOXO Amber

  3. Just FYI the last comment was from me-Amber not MIchael lol!!
