~ I am beyond ready to have this baby
~ I can't eat anything without feeling super gross
~ Sleeping good is a thing of the past
~ I am having contractions that are doing something
but not enough to start anything
~ This little girl is stretching me BIG time
but I haven't seen any new stretch marks
~ I am extremely, EXTREMELY excited to meet her
~ I can't get enough water these days
~ I crave Dr. Pepper but can't drink any
~ I've gained my limit on weight
~ My boys are super excited to meet their sister
~ My back is killing me
~ I have RLS terribly bad
~ My nails and hair have not grown longer like they say they should
~ I've avoided swelling this time around until now
~ I LOVE sweet things opposed to savory
~ I quit cooking this pregnancy
~ I kept shopping to a bare minimum this time
~ She is a very, very active little girl
~ I am cooking freezer meals to be prepared
and that's about all the cooking I've done
~ I have become quite crafty these days
: I bought a sewing machine
: I made her mobile
: I've made burp cloths, a taggie blankie, and blankets
: I made labels for her clothes
~ I have negative amounts of patience