Monday, May 9, 2011

Sick on Mother's Day

I know, right? Ugh.

I can say this though, it turned out to be one of the best Mothers Day ever. Why, you might ask? This weekend was all about showing love. My husband and two boys showed me massive amounts of love.

Saturday I was seriously not feeling well AT ALL. All three of my boys let me decide everything I wanted to do. My Honey made me an omelet for breakfast (delicious) and my boys brought me pink roses in bed with a singing card. It was soooooooo cute.

I tried to be up for anything and we still needed to get my mom a present ({GASP} I hadn't gotten it yet) so we headed off to the mall. Honey said I could get anything I wanted. ANYTHING!! You know what I got? A sweater.

Yep. A sweater. I did get my Mom earrings though. Beautiful earrings.

I was not up for shopping, eating, talking, walking. I didn't want to do anything. My boys were behaving so beautifully. They let Mommy have a bad day.

We headed home (Honey could tell I wasn't going to last much longer) and picked up dinner along the way. We got home, ate, and I fell asleep at about 7:30. Ha. I was pooped.

I slept all the way until after 8 the next morning. I was one tired Mommy.

I was feeling somewhat better Sunday but not good enough to go to church and be around healthy people and risk getting them sick. I was sad about that because my friend was dedicating her baby and I had to miss it. Boo. I did make it to my Moms though. It was a great day filled with great food and great company.

All in all, it was a fabulous Mothers Day weekend. I wish I weren't sick but oh well. Honey said I could have a redo shopping spree if I want. We'll see.

I'm still sick today so hopefully this sore throat thing go away quickly. It's already been a few days and I'm not enjoying any moment of it.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you aren't feeling well, but I'm glad that you still had a good Mother's Day! You need to take your hubby up on the redo shopping spree for sure!
