Friday, April 15, 2011

To Be or Not To Be ...

Guilty that is. Sometimes I feel guilty about certain rules I want enforced, other times I don't.

Here is an example: I don't like toys out in the living areas of the house. Living, as in social gathering areas, like the kitchen, dining room, and living room. The boys have their own side of the house which includes two rooms, a bathroom, and a hallway. Plenty of space with PLENTY of toys. I know why they keep bringing out into the living room but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Today Tristan brought six, yes SIX, trains out into the living room while I was trying to vacuum. I told him to take his trains back into the room where the train table (with tracks and everything) was. I started to feel guilty about that, as if I should let him have his toys wherever he wants, because in the big picture it doesn't really hurt anyone. But then I remembered that I gave them HALF of my house to play with toys.

Why does the guilt always have to be there? I know I'm not out of line enforcing rules that make sense but the guilt is still there. I do have my reasons for toys not being all over the house by the way. And I've told them thousands of times to keep their toys on their side of the house!!

I love those boys DEARLY (read last post) but sometimes I just wish they would listen a bit better. My lovely lads are no different than any other kids, this I know, but it is just as equally frustrating. Some days are harder than others for us Mommies. Today is one of those days.

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