Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I thank God every time my kids sleep through the night. I really do. I have great sleepers. Tristan was six weeks old sleeping through the night. We were blessed beyond blessed with an easy, wonderful baby. Aiden, on the other hand, was not a good sleeper until he was one. Now he is a great sleeper. He falls asleep and you don't have to worry about him at all.

Tristan has gone through a few phases where he wakes up at all hours of the night for various reasons. Sometimes he has to go potty, sometimes he already went potty and needs me to clean up the mess, sometimes he just wants his Mommy, sometimes he wants water (only a sip to please him but no more than that or else there's a greater chance of accidents), sometimes he had bad dreams. But usually he is good and stays in bed. He's always been that way, good I mean. He is the one who I can depend on. If I say "No, don't touch that", he won't touch it. Aiden will touch it to see my reaction. Bless his little rebellious heart. He is EXACTLY like his Daddy. EXACTLY.

I'm digressing. What I'm trying to say is that I am so very thankful for wonderful children who are patient with me right now as I'm sick. They did great last night. Daddy didn't home until after 9 o'clock so I had to do everything with bedtime. I was not feeling good at all and they knew it. They behaved so well. They did Horrible in the afternoon time, refer to previous post, but made up for it at bedtime. And this morning they let Mommy sleep a bit later also. I put on Curious George, Cat in the Hat, and Super Why. During all three shows they sat like little statues and let me rest on the couch. I love them so much.

I am thankful for my two very different, loving, gentle, rough, smart, rebellious children. They are everything all in one....or two I should say.

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