So I am sitting here all alone on the couch just thinking about Paris. That is where Julian and I had our first date. It was so romantic and just like a movie. The picture of Julian and me is a picture from our first date. Julian took it right in front of Moulin Rouge. The picture of the Eiffel Tower is from the top of Notre Dame and I was so excited to take that shot. God sure made some very beautiful scenery. I teeter totter with the dream of moving to France. On one hand it would be so fun and new. Waking up and going to the market places and stuff. How cool. On the other hand, it is new and scary. The people may not be as nice and the way of living is just so different. But I can always dream. And maybe one day make my dreams come true. For now though, I think I like dreaming about it and visiting Paris instead of living there.
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