Ok, so lately I have been thinking that t.v. is just the work of Satan creeping into our living rooms and spreading his filth all over. I say that because I was inviting him into my living room every night and then realized what I considered entertainment was just plain gross. I can't help but be drawn to shows that glorify lying and cheating and sex and all the things that are sinful.
I am not getting all righteous but just getting personal with you. I am sharing my struggle. I love, LOVE, Survivor and Big Brother and Intervention and some other shows along those lines. I like the E! network (well sort of). I like TLC with all their crazy, I can't believe this is a show sitcoms. The problem with some of the shows is that I enjoy watching others not do so good. That isn't right. I should not want to watch Intervention just to get amused by someone else's downfall in life or struggle. I will say that I do really like when they overcome and am happy for them but I still find myself going "are they REALLY going to last staying sober?" in my head. My doubt may come from personal experience with a loved one overdosing. Either way, I should not have those thoughts and question why I do that. Big Brother is just a show that makes lying seem like a way of life and that lying is the ONLY way to get ahead and win. Which in that show it is but that again just isn't right. Television is saying that it is okay to lie to each other and be deceitful to get what we want. Some people might not be able to recognize that it is a show and not "real" life but to those people in the BB house it IS real life. They really are living in that house and really are lying to each other and really are back-stabbing one another. That is their life and how they are getting ahead. BECAUSE they get rewarded if they lie the best or stab each other in the back the best. That just ain't right and I found myself being drawn into the web of lies. I wanted to watch them lie to each other and "backdoor" one another...especially one girl in particular who I thought deserved it the most. That in itself goes into yet another reason I am thinking t.v. just isn't good. I was judging. I was saying who deserved what and blah blah blah.
ok....so this post is getting entirely to long and I sound like I fell off my rocker. I was just trying to say that maybe I need to reevaluate what I am spending my time doing.
I have more to say but Tristan wants to play cars and that is the more important than me ranting about how television is just a bunch of yuck that I watch. And yes I know, I could just watch the shows that are good and not watch the crap that isn't. I am doing that transition. I have really enjoyed getting into that show Planet Earth. Quite interesting really. Gods work is just breath taking.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sweet Sounds
Now that Tristan is in his big boy bed we keep the door open when it's time to sleep, whether it be at night or during nap time. I put him down for a nap about an hour ago and he is still moving around in there talking to himself. I never knew that was what he did for so long before falling asleep. It is so precious to hear him sing and talk. He tells his bear to go nigh-nigh and shhhh. LOL. He needs to be doing that, but oh well, at least his bear will get rest. He is so silly sometimes. Right now he has poison ivy on the back of his right leg so I have to really watch him to make sure he doesn't take his bandage off and scratch at it. Poor thing. He got it Monday when we went to a farm and he was playing all over the place. I'm sad he got it but at the same time I know he had so much fun getting it. I will do all that I can to make him comfortable because I know he isn't feeling well at the moment.
But hearing him talk while trying to settle down and take a nap is just sweet sounds filling the living room. I love my boys.
But hearing him talk while trying to settle down and take a nap is just sweet sounds filling the living room. I love my boys.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So I am sitting here all alone on the couch just thinking about Paris. That is where Julian and I had our first date. It was so romantic and just like a movie. The picture of Julian and me is a picture from our first date. Julian took it right in front of Moulin Rouge. The picture of the Eiffel Tower is from the top of Notre Dame and I was so excited to take that shot. God sure made some very beautiful scenery. I teeter totter with the dream of moving to France. On one hand it would be so fun and new. Waking up and going to the market places and stuff. How cool. On the other hand, it is new and scary. The people may not be as nice and the way of living is just so different. But I can always dream. And maybe one day make my dreams come true. For now though, I think I like dreaming about it and visiting Paris instead of living there.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
So this weekend was Labor Day weekend and it turned out to be very fun and exciting. I personally don't ever do anything for Labor Day other than live like it is any other day. This year was sort of the same but so much fun.
First of all, Julian was home for three days in a row which was fantastic. I always miss him when he has to go to work and school. I pratically don't see him Tuesday through Thursday. But hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I loved being with him all weekend. Tristan also really enjoyed having Daddy around. He misses his Daddy when he doesn't get to hang out with him. Julian enjoyed getting to watch Aiden be the cutest little baby ever. So of course, family time this weekend was much needed and much enjoyed.
Friday night we were going to go get Tristan's haircut but the stylist wasn't there. Sweet and Sassy closes at 7 (which I didn't know and yes, it is a girls place but they do boy haircuts there and I have heard great things about them) and the store manager said that she let the stylist go home early because they weren't busy. The manager asked if we could come back in the morning but I said we didn't plan on it and that it is sort a drive for us (about 35 minutes which isn't too long considering everywhere takes that long to get to in Houston) and she said that we could come back anytime we wanted and she would give us a discount on Tristan's haircut.!! That was sooo nice of her. Score for us!! Especially since I was feeling bad for spending $35 on Tristan's first haircut at Visible Changes. There was NO way I was going to spend that much on his haircut again. I know, I know but it was his first haircut and if you knew Julian you would understand the degree of seriousness about cutting his hair. If Julian had his way, Tristan would be 16 before getting his first haircut so we went somewhere "respectable" for the first one. I will not be doing that again though. So now his haircut will be $10 instead of $35. Yay for us. Also, I found a keychain with Aiden's name on it for my key ring. I have had Tristan's on there since forever ago and never got one for Aiden. I was feeling bad because I had one child on my key ring and not the other. So that was also cool.
Saturday was a big day for Tristan. He moved into a big boy bed!! He did wonderful. He stayed in his bed the whole time. He didn't get up once. We also changed everything about his sleeping routine and it didn't even phase him. He usually sleeps with the door shut and no noise but now we keep the door open (to make sure he stays in bed) and put the radio on. Doesn't even bother Tristan at all that we totally changed everything. I put a guardrail on his bed but that didn't work out to well so now he has nothing and still did fantastic. I was worried he was going to fall out of his bed but he didn't. I put a mattress under his bed and pulled it out some "in case" he fell. So Saturday was big for him.
Sunday was nice and relaxing. Church was great (as usual). Lunch with friends was great (as usual). The boys did great. Julian and I were able to relax when we got home. All in all...great.
And Labor Day, Monday. We went to James and Ashley's farm. Holy Cow (literally cow...there were cows everywhere) Tristan had a blast. He was in heaven. He got ride on a tractor with his Daddy and see "real" cows and be a boy basically. He had a smile all day. It was one of the most beautiful things a mother could see. Her son bonding with his Daddy and just being absolutely happy with the world. Nothing could bring him down off of that cloud he was on. Julian had so much also. I am soooooooooo not an outside girl and the fact that I was outside having fun was something Julian really enjoyed himself. He always talks about going camping and doing outside things. My idea of camping involves air conditioning and running water for showers and potty time and a television would be nice also. That's my idea of camping.... oh yeah and a nice comfy bed. NOT the ground or a sleeping bag or cot. So Julian had a great time watching me have a great time outside.
Loved the weekend with my family and friends. I hope you all had a great weekend also!!
I will post pictures when Julian puts them on the computer for me. Till then...see ya
First of all, Julian was home for three days in a row which was fantastic. I always miss him when he has to go to work and school. I pratically don't see him Tuesday through Thursday. But hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I loved being with him all weekend. Tristan also really enjoyed having Daddy around. He misses his Daddy when he doesn't get to hang out with him. Julian enjoyed getting to watch Aiden be the cutest little baby ever. So of course, family time this weekend was much needed and much enjoyed.
Friday night we were going to go get Tristan's haircut but the stylist wasn't there. Sweet and Sassy closes at 7 (which I didn't know and yes, it is a girls place but they do boy haircuts there and I have heard great things about them) and the store manager said that she let the stylist go home early because they weren't busy. The manager asked if we could come back in the morning but I said we didn't plan on it and that it is sort a drive for us (about 35 minutes which isn't too long considering everywhere takes that long to get to in Houston) and she said that we could come back anytime we wanted and she would give us a discount on Tristan's haircut.!! That was sooo nice of her. Score for us!! Especially since I was feeling bad for spending $35 on Tristan's first haircut at Visible Changes. There was NO way I was going to spend that much on his haircut again. I know, I know but it was his first haircut and if you knew Julian you would understand the degree of seriousness about cutting his hair. If Julian had his way, Tristan would be 16 before getting his first haircut so we went somewhere "respectable" for the first one. I will not be doing that again though. So now his haircut will be $10 instead of $35. Yay for us. Also, I found a keychain with Aiden's name on it for my key ring. I have had Tristan's on there since forever ago and never got one for Aiden. I was feeling bad because I had one child on my key ring and not the other. So that was also cool.
Saturday was a big day for Tristan. He moved into a big boy bed!! He did wonderful. He stayed in his bed the whole time. He didn't get up once. We also changed everything about his sleeping routine and it didn't even phase him. He usually sleeps with the door shut and no noise but now we keep the door open (to make sure he stays in bed) and put the radio on. Doesn't even bother Tristan at all that we totally changed everything. I put a guardrail on his bed but that didn't work out to well so now he has nothing and still did fantastic. I was worried he was going to fall out of his bed but he didn't. I put a mattress under his bed and pulled it out some "in case" he fell. So Saturday was big for him.
Sunday was nice and relaxing. Church was great (as usual). Lunch with friends was great (as usual). The boys did great. Julian and I were able to relax when we got home. All in all...great.
And Labor Day, Monday. We went to James and Ashley's farm. Holy Cow (literally cow...there were cows everywhere) Tristan had a blast. He was in heaven. He got ride on a tractor with his Daddy and see "real" cows and be a boy basically. He had a smile all day. It was one of the most beautiful things a mother could see. Her son bonding with his Daddy and just being absolutely happy with the world. Nothing could bring him down off of that cloud he was on. Julian had so much also. I am soooooooooo not an outside girl and the fact that I was outside having fun was something Julian really enjoyed himself. He always talks about going camping and doing outside things. My idea of camping involves air conditioning and running water for showers and potty time and a television would be nice also. That's my idea of camping.... oh yeah and a nice comfy bed. NOT the ground or a sleeping bag or cot. So Julian had a great time watching me have a great time outside.
Loved the weekend with my family and friends. I hope you all had a great weekend also!!
I will post pictures when Julian puts them on the computer for me. Till then...see ya
Friday, September 4, 2009
Loving Life

Life is pretty good at the moment. I love that my boys get along so well and that Tristan is so good to Aiden. Tristan wakes up and gives me kisses and then immediately asks where Aiden is. It melts my heart each morning. I just love it. Tristan pronounces Aiden's name like this eh-geh. Say it out loud and that is how he says it. Funny. I am liking the age they are both at also. Aiden is so much fun and thinks the world is just cool and that Momma is the awesome-ist person around. Tristan is so fun and adventurous. 20 months apart in age is wonderful. Of course Tristan is also going through the phase of knowing what he wants but not quite translating it to me in a way that I can understand each time. He gets very upset with me when I can't figure it out. But in the end, we work it out.
Julian and I are doing great. We are at a point though where a big decision is going to need to be made about our future. We want to move but don't want to move. He likes his job but doesn't like the isolation part of it. I like working but want to stay at home with the boys. We have an opportunity to change all that so we are praying about it. We both want to make sure we make the best choice for Tristan and Aiden and then also ourselves.
My family is doing okay. My brother and I aren't fighting with each other anymore but we also aren't talking really. We are in a weird funk that I can't quite explain. I realized some things about myself and my family over the last week. No matter how much you love someone and want the best for them, if they don't want the love or to respect others there isn't much you can do about that. You can only pray for them and love them from afar. I think that is where I am at right now with him. Hopefully it will change for the better because I really do love my only sibling so very much and wish the absolute best for him and his family.
Ok, so on to more exciting things. Aiden has his second tooth. At four months he has his two bottom teeth already. Here is a picture of his first tooth. That is Farrah Fawcett by the way in the background. I didn't realize that she was in the picture until after we took it and then I tried to take more pictures of his tooth without her in the shot but none were as good as this. Oh well.
Just a quick note here...I am proud of myself again for being able to post a picture. Yay me.
I am still trying to figure out how to place the pictures on here though. I am such a loser. LOL. I better get some cleaning done while the kiddos are napping. Till next time...take care.
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